
Just another site

Month: May, 2012

Factory Girl , Part 1

Wet n’ Wild Mega Last in I Need a Refresh-Mint (with Orly Matte Topcoat) & matching paint , our own personal mix.

Organic vapor protection respirator from 3m , very old and beat up boots from Vegetarian Shoes, I should toss ’em. Backpatch by my pal James Quigley, him and his wife Kyla have a sick art show up in Providence right now. It’s also on the internet so you can here it there too.

Dress & belt both from Cheap Opulance , shoes from a street vendor in Paris , no face monoprint is available from our Etsy shop for 55$.

Never Been In A Riot

While I was installing my exhibition en région shit has hit the freaking fan in Montreal. Depending on where you are you may have heard about the now 15 week long student strike in Quebec and the over 2500 arrests of protesters , and even bystanders.

I started this post over a week ago and just come up blank each time because the whole situation is so frustrating from the corruption of the provincial government , to the distortion and lies in the media to the polarizations on every level. Shit is out of control with cops pepper spraying bar patrons who happen to be near a protest . I spend my days brimming with anger , yelling at the radio.

So what the fuck is all about? Well In a nutshell is started over proposed tuition of 75% over the course of 5 years. Students were told to suck it up and do their part while our publicly funded universities where losing 400 million on failed real estate ventures or paying more than 4 million in severance packages to administrators over 3 years and our elected official were involved in collusion and kickbacks with the mafia for provincial construction contracts.This and ranging unemployment/underemployed and wages stagnated since 30 years is the backdrop against with students were supposed to “chip in”. Nevermind that they will be chipping in plenty to sustain retiring boomers once they enter the workforce. Now of course , the issue is much more global with people of all ages joining in , protesting against the tide of neoliberalism , corruption and Bill 78. Bill 78 , meant to quell protest via fear and intimidation has actually galvanized things and now it seems like everyone is pissed and taking to the streets.

A good primer on the issues.

Summery from the New York Times.

Some historical context from Al Jazeera English.

This spring’s must have. Solidarity.

But there is some inspiration too , Lawyers taking to the streets in protest of Bill 78 , #casserolesencours , the nightly neighborhood protests of pots and pans and seeing pretty much everyone around me me getting politicized. While marching in Rimouski, we got cheered on by strippers and a bouncer smoking behind a strip club , my neighbors banging pots and pans and hanging banners, a red square get you a thumbs up at the supermarket. It actually seems like many of us are on the same side and that’s pretty neat that despite all the anger at the government and institutions and pundits , it feels like the entire city province is coming together.

So what now?
Translating the printemps érable is the key spot to get articles and texts that have been translated into English and is updated daily , Juripop are offering legal aide to many arrested in the protests and are always in need of donations and there is a huge Canada-wide (plus NYC & Paris & London & Brussels & Madison!) casserole protest tonight , make some noise against Bill 78.

“”We’re banging pots and pans
To make you understand
We gonna bury you man”

The Inevitible

So, I got Noise Parked , no shopping clues for my drawn clothes.I’m in a state of bafflement because this image got me called out for the culturally appropriative act of wearing ponchos. If anyone has any insight/opinions on that one, give it to me.
Me, in a poncho. And another

I’m back from Rimouski (LUV) and a 9 day install session (with several beach breaks), a few megaposts to come.

Plain Jane

Various outfits from the past 2 weeks , mostly looking kinda dorky.

I think I was trying to pull a bored face but instead I look like a walker, great.
Skirt I gripped in the ‘sauga at Goodwill for 2.50 (half off days are the happiest days) , blouse is Frip-Prix in my ‘hood , 4.99$ gripped it back in March and have worn it at least 12 times since , it’s so me. Vintage beret 99¢ at Salvation Army downtown.Belt was 4$ at a thrifty in Austin , picked by the boyfriend who seems to want me to dress like Stevie Nicks as he’s always picking out capes , ponchos and beaded things. No complaints. Cardi , also from Verdun Frip-Prix , 5$ , bought it back in 06 an wore it exclusively for a few years , pulled out of rotation but now it’s back in since I got a sweater shaver for giftmas this year. Highly essential gadget if a) you like sweaters and b)you want to still wear them without being ashamed more than 6 years after thrifting and c) you don’t believe in drycleaners. Machine wash forever.
Oh I assembled the necklace out one I thrifted and random broken jewels from the floor/street.

I’ve already post each item I’m wearing here but both sweater and blouse are from Frip-Prix (Mile End and Verdun respectively), shorts are cutoffs from the boyfriends cords that he had to buy at Salvation Army to be in a men’s choir of shirtless white pants. Black lips = OCC in Tarred.

Everything (blazer , belt , jupsuit) is from Cheap Opulance except from the necklace Connie from Nutcase Fashion traded me.

Same outfit hard at work:

In the lift ,

I do love that skirt , I do.Blouse , Cheap Opulance (she has nice stuff) , coat Sally Ann in Birmingham ,7$ , I loooooove it so , cardi , Sally Ann in suburban Calgary, 4$ , from Sears back in the day, self mad friendship necklaces , I’ve posted this a billion times but voila , make your own .Shoes from Payless 2 years ago . Lipstick is Wet n’ Wild Megalast in Purty Persimmon. I’m really digging the formula on the Megalast it seems to stay put better than anything else I’ve every tried. They are vegan, cheap and surprisingly high performance. Cruelty Free Face lists all the Wet and Wild products that are vegan.

Probably the most terrifying picture to be posted on a “style” blog? I thought about not posting but it seems too ugly not to. I think I was laughing or having a brief interlude of demonic possession , the other pics are way worse. Blouse I gripped at some filthy thrifty in Sherbrooke last week for 1.50$. Blazer that I’ve been wearing since 2004. It has a burn on it , various stains , is probably too small , I love it. Bought at Salvation Army on Notre Dame , ?$? Pink jeans bought from the devil, 10$ (boxing day).

The Toronto gig was Saturday and it was the best possible last gig, so many peeps in the zone it felt like an episode of This Is Your Life. It was what I hoping for with the Montreal show , I was seriously touched having so many folks I love and respect there. We didn’t get back to Kya’s house until after 4 , the hang sessions were so long. In life, often what I wish for in Montreal , I get in Toronto. I keep thinking I should move there but I have A LOT of books and records , maybe I should apply to York once I’m done playing catch up.

Here’s a eulogy from a guy I don’t know who takes some nice pics .

Here’s a write up from a lady I don’t know who seems to know my friend Daniel.
The men of Child Abuse always bring a good gig and a good brunch hang , this time was no exception.

Already I find myself feeling slightly nostalgic, more than that though , I’m pumped to do other stuff. Heading to Rimouski tomorrow morn , then as soon as we get back it’s a mad dash to get the last bits and bobs ready for our exhibition in Winnipeg. Tried to sculpt with supplies from the hardware store , realized we have to make the trip to the ‘burbs to the sculpture and casting supply place.

“So , how was the show?”

Is something I’m not going to miss hearing. It’s always a special torture for a neurotic to play local gigs and then be faced with that question over the next week or 2 every time I venture out of my hobbit hole. It often comes from friends and acquaintances who never, ever hit my gigs. I’ve always been tempted to say “If you cared you would be been there.” Instead, I smile and say something like “oh it was a gig , lots of randos , so-and-so got naked/drunk/covered in fake blood”. You know , typical gig. It’s draining ’cause if you are insane like I probably am, after 14 years of living and gigging in Montreal, local gigs always make me notice who isn’t there. It’s dumb but it’s true and is one of the reasons retirement will be good for my mind. Not like I’m not a giant hypocrite who only hits 1/10 of the gigs I wanna see myself. Neurosis knows no logic, no reason.

On the eve of the last ever AIDS Wolf gig I can say , yeah the Montreal show was a gig. Lots of randos, Fannie & Maude from Souffle got covered in fake blood.
I had no idea who 3/4 of the crowd was but a few heads drove up from Ottawa and Toronto and that makes for some warm fuzzies.
No pic of the most important detail , what I wore, but Laura Crapo caught the set on video so that earth shattering question can be answered. Plus jams.

THE TIME IS NOW episode 8, AIDS WOLF live at casa del popolo, montrèal. Last montreal show. video by Laura Crapo

The beau and I are kinda camping in our apartment while the landlord takes his sweet time repairing our destroyed kitchen and damaged bathroom , bedrooms. Everything is piled into the office and living room and I’m just caught in the mosh. Going to Rimouski to hang our show and I’ve never been so excited to go en région, hopefully hit a triffty or 2. I’m feeling gold after scores in Sherbrooke 2 silk blouses for 1.50 each and an arm full of bangles for the same. No matter I’m busted and so is my home , retail theraphy for a few loonies is just what the doctor ordered.

I’d never posted what I wore to the fancy museum benefit I was all stressin’ about so here it is. It was weird cause except for the other artists and curators, everyone looked like an aspiring extra for Sex in the City or something. Lots of bodycon and 8 inch heels. We left pretty early.

Blouse and shorts both from Cheap Opulance , Sarah suggested both for the event cause I think I said I wanted to look like a lady from a late 70’s early 80’s Woody Allen movie (merci Sarah!). Tights and shoes from Simons’ , tights were under 5$ , that’s how I roll , the shoes were bought to wear to a fancy art opening we had in Vienna and felt decadently expensive at 45$. I’d wear them more if they didn’t hurt. Double silver chain doing something cool with the crazy collar , got it at a resale shop some fellow jammers had in Sacto in trade for some art. Belt , Gap 4$ (boxing day FTW). Tired expression = earned from a day at the stude and a night on the town.

Ladies , ladies , ladies

Carly Ptak


Les Momies de Palerme

Kate Bush


Jessica Rylan


Talk Normal


Pod Blotz




Alexis O’Hara

Ikue Mori


Orphan Fairytale


Joni Mitchell


Linda Sharrock

Leslie Keffer

Magali Babin

US Girls

Les Beyond

Charity Chan  & Aurora Josephson Duo

Diamanda Gallas

Schurt Kwitters


Suzie Ibarra

Unicorn Hardon

Whore Paint


Free Kitten


16 Bitch Pile Up

Maria Chavez


 Mary Harvolson Trio
Dead Machines
Joane Hetu with Jean Derome

Lexie Mountain & Child Bride

Lydia Lunch

A One Woman Grievance Comitte , Come on Down to Noise Park and Meet Some (Dude) Friends of Mine..

Long time no post , over the past 2 weeks my computer died twice and the most disgusting thing possible happened to my apartment. My upstairs neighbor’s shower leaked , causing my ceiling to fall in. This is not the disgusting part , this has happened about 13 times in the 9 years I’ve lived in my current zone. The disgusting part is this , the landlord slumlord sawed out the part in the ceiling and the next day set out to fix the leak. Somehow , the “repair” involved busting the pipe for my neighbor’s toilet. You can probably imagine where this is going. If you can’t , it’s my kitchen literally filled with piss , shit and tp. Turns out that every time they flushed upstairs , it sprayed all over my kitchen. By the time I came home from the studio there was a half inch covering the floor. Dealing with a lot of shit.

Anyway , I’m currently in Sherbrooke with the men. Doing a short residency with the band before it dies. Staying in a hotel , having per diems , pretending my life is slightly glam. This kinda shit has only happened I think 2 other times in the life of this band. Talking about Noise Park on the internet with my noise friends.

Now if you spend anytime on the internet and have an interest in the nebulous musical genre “noise” (the term is about as useful as “punk” or “indie” at this point) and it’s various sub-genres and mutations , you’ve probably seen this blog. If you haven’t you should. It’s hilarious.
Olson’s is one of the more spot-on one but he should have a shopping cart or some maracas.

Scroungy jammers done up as South Park characters. People I’ve toured with , gigged with , who have crashed on my floor in less exploding upstairs toilet times , or who’s floor I have crashed on (Rat probably has the bet pad out of them all) , look and have a laff with the crew. Until you notice it’s almost exclusively men. That in several cases where a band has both men and women in it , the dude is solo. It ‘s weird and because of the humor of the site it almost feels stupid or petty to call out the sexism but there you go. Probably unintentional but it’s often the case and is a side effect of systematic male privilege. Women being less visible , women’s contributions glossed over and viewed as less than.

Why are the ladies pushed out in this representation of a scene filled with fierce women?

Where do we go from here? How can “noise” be an attractive sonic space for younger ladies when representations tend to that of a boys club? Why do male artists for whom “noise” is a pretty big strech get in , but not many of the ladies running the show? More than seeing my badass female jammer pals featured on a comedic blog , I’d like to see women not on the margins of underground culture in general.

My OWN jams have been killer , we are fucking around with a whole new set up for this gig and it’s really fun. Got the tap shoes in action , drum synths , lots of basement effects. We could open our own pawn shop.

Wearing a buch of shit. Silk short sleeve , bought at the Village des Valleurs in Trois Rivieres for 3$ , insane neon red cape from my studiomate , Jacinthe , just added to the bracelet collection by gripping 5 thin metal ones at the Sherbrooke SallyAnn for 1.50$. General dishevelment via hours upon hours of harsh jams. Also , eating chips in bed cause that’ what I do when in a hotel.

*****Edited to add that I had a wee back and forth with Mr. Noise Park over Twitter and my post was taken to heart. He’s a self described feminist (yay!) who was actually glad to be called out and said he’d think the creator of Noise Park was a jerk for the oversight and then said that with the templates he is using to make the characters , the women came out looking really wonky. Anyway , there’s already been several ladies added including Jessica Rylan , who is one of my all time favorite musicians ever. I’m a super dorky fan girl for her. I’ll never sell my LBB , no matter how broke I may get.