Post-Voivod , Metal Neck In Effect

As a scrounger a 21$ gig is a big deal to me. I bought advance tickets for me and the man friend months ago , selling off records from my teen years to do it.

And, it was so , so worth it. Voivod are the only band from Montreal , the only band from Quebec , one of the only bands from Canada to be a major influence on my own music making. They are an influence to many of my favorite bands. It was actually my first time seeing them , the boy had seen them a few times as a pup , lastly 16 years ago. They played all of Dimension Hatröss and sounded like a fucking machine. Except for my small crew , the crowd were pretty much all full time metalheads. Longhair , often grey , beard , back patches and lots of shaved heads and cargo pants. Probably one of the more civilized audiences I’ve seen at a loud gig , the grey hair might have much to do with it. I was able to get right in front without being shoved or elbowed , it was nothing short of amazing.

Here’s the album

Here’s my outfit.

Black blouse from Frip Prix , 4.99 , Customized blazer from Salvation Army + all the patches , Cut-off Levis I got for free at CMJ a million years ago when brands wanted to give noise rock bands free swag ,I covered them in vintage buttons, tights from Simons , shoes from Salvation Army in Birmingham, Al , 20$ , the most I’ve ever spent on anything thrifted. Lipstick is Tarred by OCC , the paper “brick” my hand is stuck in is just a tiny part of our upcoming exhibition in Manitoba.


My studiomates and I are having a print sale today , Saturday the 9th. Why not come say hello? Lately , my entire life is studio or sleep so come see me awake. Although in this re-exhibition prep time , my waking hours are half asleep at this point.